Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Girls Night...

Over nighters in Park City, shopping cart races at Target, finding (and riding) random zip lines in the mountains, hours (and I do mean hours) of laughing, and all out "good times"... this is what girlfriends are all about!

Nothing is more rejuvenating and uplifting than a good group of girlfriends!
Stephanie, Linda, Me and Shelley...
The "cheerleader" pose...
Um... I'm not sure what was happening here, or whose idea that was, but eeewwww!

So, this last girls night was a "get our unfinished projects done" night... we went out to dinner, then hit the craft store... then helped each other finish up the unfinished projects we've all been meaning to finish for months. I'm not so sure that we should have been "crafting" until 2 in the morning... things got a little out of control!!!

We mod podged paper on wood frames for Linda's family room...

Shelley made personalized magnet boards for her girls...

And Steph... well, Steph clung to her Sobe all night while I just took pictures of all the craziness and made the magnets for Shelley's boards!!!

Can't wait for next month!!!

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